Talent show for music newcomer ! Who is the new idol ? Maybe you ?! Your chance to become famous - the new superstar. NewcomerStars - casting show of the producer.
Best Thing I Never Had" by Beyoncé is the third collaboration I have done with Robin. We both love working together and wanted to record this amazing song so much! Robin created the wonderful
backing track and I recorded the vocal and backing vocals at the Zapp! Studios in Rotterdam, where I also filmed my video. Robin edited the audio and the video and once more did an amazing job and
created something I am very proud of. Thank you so much Robin!/nI hope you will enjoy the song as much as we do. Please SHARE it with all your friends on youtube, facebook, twitter and anywhere else
you think of. You can just click on the "Share" button above!/nKARLIJN
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/rpverhag1
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KarlijnVerhagenOfficial
Twitter: http://twitter.com/KarlijnVerhagen/nROBIN
YouTube:- http://www.youtube.com/user/xXRobinNLXx
Facebook:- http://www.facebook.com/xXRobinNLXx
Twitter:- http://twitter.com/xXRobinNLXx
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