Hilarious Russian Parody of US Pop Sensation Kiesza's
Hilarious Russian Parody of US Pop Sensation Kiesza's
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4m 51s
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Russia Insider - Russian News Without the Anti-Russian Bias)) http://russia-insider.com
Link to article: http://russia-insider.com/en/culture/2014/09/23/05-16-15am/russian_parody_us_pop_sensation_kiezsa_goes_viral_gets_2_million_views
This is better than the original, which gave the previously unknown Canadian starlet an astounding 90 million views on Youtube since its release in February 2014.
The parody was made by the amateur comic dance duo, "Bonya and Kuzmich" of Perm, a provincial Russian city 800 km east of Moscow.
Before discovering internet stardom, Bonya was a shoe saleswoman, and Kuzmich a cafeteria cook in Perm.
It will probably do more to improve world opinion about Russia and Russians than the entire Russian dipomatic corps combined.
It currently has 900,000 views on Youtube, 400,000 "likes" on the Russian social network Odnoklassniki, and an estimated 700,000 views on the Russian social network Vkontakte.
The Russian version parodies the singing, storyline, and choreography of the original, as well as making witty references to Russian rural life.
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