Cody Joe Hodges - Getting Back to Country

added by serde222
Cody Joe Hodges - Getting Back to Country
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Hinzugefügt: 14-11-2014
Spiel Dauer: 4m 34s
Ansichten: 6242
Kommentare: 0

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Click:  Country Music has been around for a long time, but the Country way of life has been around a lot longer. When I think of “Country”, I think of holding onto things passed down, going to Grandma and Grandpa’s on Sundays to watch TV and socialize as a family, playing Kick the Can with anyone who could still run, picking a guitar under an old oak tree surrounded by farm land, but more importantly ~ family. If you are a country music fan, it has more than likely influenced your life and to many, a large part of it. Country music to me is about the good stuff, telling stories, and life in general. Not making a political statement, but I would like to see Country Music take a step closer to its roots… even if only a small step.

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