Hamed Ebrahimi- Spmeone like you COVER
Hamed Ebrahimi- Spmeone like you COVER
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Video Information
Spiel Dauer:
4m 17s
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Current Rating:
(49 Votes)
My Name is Hamed Ebrahimi and I'm 17 years old, I hope you'll like my Video :)/n
Copyright (c) 2012 Newcomer Stars - Casting für Talente aus Pop, Hip Hop & Dance, Rap & RnB. All rights reserved., Powered By
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soooo schön!!!!!
Ich lade weitere songs hoch :)
Hallo Hamed, supi!!!
ich will von dir einfach noch mehr hören!
Mach weiter.
Very emotional version. You´re voice is very lovely. The oriental
touch makes it perfectly... Great job also the Piano.