SuperStar - Showtime for new music superstars, newcomer and talents

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SuperStar - Showtime for new music superstars, newcomer and talents
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Posted By: hummel (4423 Tage her)

juhu , ich will auch Superstar werden. Kann mir jemand helfen?

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Hinzugefügt: 03-06-2012
Spiel Dauer: 1m 16s
Ansichten: 8037
Kommentare: 1

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Newcomer Stars - Showtime for new music superstars and talents/npresents your new music stars on newcomerstars from pop music, Dance and House, Country music, rock and metal, or new talents from comedy, modern and classical dancing, acrobats and another performer. Newcomer Star is a service free of cost./nWe're glad you're here!/nAt you can: * Present new Stars and talents that you know * Present your own talent on video * Rate presented videos * comment videos * ... and much much more!/nNewcomer Stars is the springboard for new stars in the world.

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