Anni b Sweet - La la la (Videoclip)

added by MsCindy
Anni b Sweet - La la la (Videoclip)
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Posted By: ArtOfLilly (4628 Tage her)

Hola ^^ Video muy bonito y una gran voz.

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Hinzugefügt: 25-06-2012
Spiel Dauer: 3m 38s
Ansichten: 13677
Kommentare: 1

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"La la la" es el segundo single de "Start,Restart,Undo" el primer disco de Anni b Sweet. La cantante malagueña habla en esta canción sobre la melancolía y el paso del tiempo Letra: Oh the hands of time won't stop for me And I've asked a thousand hundred times And my mouth won't do what my mind is ordering Well you said that I'm that I'm still quite young Then why am I feeling old? And the days are passing by with hurry inside La lalala la la la... La lalala la la la... And the god of all in who I don't believe And they're telling me that he can hear me Well I can't see any change in my rutine And the memories taking place in me Feeling like a guitar string When it sounds so out of tune La lalala la la la... Oh the hands of time won't stop for me And I've asked a thousand hundred times And my mouth won't do what my mind is ordering! Well you said that I'm that I'm now to old Then why am I feeling young? And the days won't ever ever ever pass! La lalala la la la...

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